Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fame & Chizz

Here we are.... the start of a new. Well a new name that is. Due to all the label discrepincies and legalities, and hardships of claiming the fame with our old group name "The Commission" we are now "Fame & Chizz". Kinda like the ring to that. Its original straight to the point and as real as it gets. Ya feel me. And here is our new blog with new pics, more footage and our daily happenings. Feel free to come by leave a comment. Or just plain out gauk at "Fame's" new clothes or see "Chizz" spazz out on people and instill fear in the hearts of others,lol. Check us out as we make history and take over the world while being grounded and take care of our families and day to day life. You think you know.....YOU HAVE NO IDEA!