Thursday, February 7, 2008


YOU SEE US! Lol..what's good yall. As you can see we are grinding and you can tell by our new write up in the new "Hip Hop Weekly" magazine with Lil Wayne on the cover. Go out and pick it up off your local news stand before it flies off the shelves. That "Renovation" mixtape coming now!


Whats good to all of our friends and family. And we do mean "FAMILY" because we don't look at our fans as fans. You are apart of the BQE Fame & Chizz Family if you support us, ya dig. We are just giving the opportunity for our family to further help us and our movement out and in return you can benefit also. We are starting this virtual internet street team and are looking for some people to help us promote no matter how big or small. Whether its putting our banner on your page or just putting our new mixtape posters on some of your friends comment wall or adding one of our records to play on your page for a bit. Anything will help. And in return you will receive Fame & Chizz giveaways and even invites to video shoots and shows when we have them. And we do perform outside of NYC alot so my fam in other states don't worry. We will make it out your way or you can even help us get out that way. So short and simple if you want to be down email us at with the reason you want to be down with the team, your email address, age and we will fwd you a Fame & Chizz Virtual Promo kit asap. Much love come support. Thanks in advance.